New Mobile App To Help Restaurants, Takeaways & Other SMEs
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In these very strange and difficult COVID times, agile people are all learning to adapt to new ways of making their business stay relevant, manageable and most importantly viable. Somehow each of us must adapt to make things work. During all this Covid downtime I have been busy and have developed a new, yet simple […]

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Build Your Self Esteem

Build Your Self Esteem So how do you keep up your self-esteem in a hard-hitting atmosphere? It seems like everywhere you turn. The best way is to know the kinds of people and situations that will bring you down and thwart your efforts to stay focused. Here we will focus on some of these people […]

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Five vital leadership skills for effective collaboration
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Five vital leadership skills for effective collaboration Leadership skills & effective collaboration is all achieved when a team works together towards the greater purpose of achieving the organization’s goal, by keeping its internal differences apart. As a leader, it is your role to ensure that people get the better of their emotions and collaborate professionally […]

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The value of a good web presence for small businesses
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The value of a good web presence for small businesses Undoubtedly, the use of the internet can make the difference between a successful small business and one ignored by customers. A comprehensive yet modest website is the way forward. Due to the global nature of the Internet surpassing physical frontiers between nations, it can make […]

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Tiny Actions Make Huge Impacts
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Tiny Actions Make Huge Impacts “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams Do you remember how you felt when you had a tough day and a stranger smiled at you? Or the time you helped your neighbour carry in her groceries […]

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Why The World Has Become Less Kind

Why The World Has Become Less Kind Kindness is something that I feel is leaving us a little bit – people are getting more self-involved. [Cobie Smulders] It seems life has taken us to a place where we no longer value kindness as a trait. In fact, kindness has been replaced with self-importance and wanting […]

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How to Break Up Your Workflow and Make it Manageable
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How to Break Up Your Workflow and Make it Manageable One of the challenges when working from home is learning to be fully responsible for your own workload. Juggling multiple tasks is much harder when there is no boss leaning over your shoulder. So how do you stay on-task and make sure everything gets done? […]

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Four Tips For Better Communication As A Leader
5 steps to maximum productivity

4 tips for better communication as a leader To be a successful leader, you have to develop your communication skills. Communication doesn’t just involve you sharing your ideas to your team. It also involves dealing with emotions, listening to your team’s ideas and a lot of other factors. Here are some simple and effective tips […]

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You Don’t Own Me
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From our overseas guest blogger, Jason Leister, the Incomapable Expert You Don’t Own Me It can really make you angry when a client relationship starts to go sideways and you feel like they think they “own” you. When that happens, you can try to set the record straight, or maybe blow up the relationship, or […]

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Costly mistakes to avoid making, as a leader

Costly mistakes to avoid making, as a leader As a leader, you have to lead by example and be a role model for your team. It is not possible to be perfect all the time. When mistakes happen, as a good leader, you should own up for the same and ensure that they don’t happen […]

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