Offering Great Customer Service. Turning Customers into Raving Fans
happy customer

Offering Great Customer Service: Turning Customers into Raving Fans Providing exceptional customer service is crucial for any business aiming to thrive in today’s competitive market. More than just a nice-to-have, great customer service is a powerful differentiator that can turn satisfied customers into raving fans who not only return but also enthusiastically promote your business […]

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What is Customer Service?
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What is Customer Service? In these days of competitive markets, the business that excels at customer service is the one that will not only maintain their position, but grow. You could answer the question “What is Customer service” by saying that it is about “exceeding” the expectations of the client, not just “satisfying” them. This […]

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Delivering Excellent Customer Service
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Delivering Excellent Customer Service It almost goes without saying that good customer service is essential to sustaining any business. No matter how wonderful a job you do of attracting new customers, you won’t be profitable for long unless you have a solid customer retention strategy in place – and in action. It’s the actions that […]

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Great Ideas for Your Corporate Gifts
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Great Ideas for Your Corporate Gifts “What’s your main purpose for sending a gift?” is probably the central question when deciding on what items to send away. Well, you must realise that the giving corporate gifts is not purely out of altruistic reasons. This act has tinges of marketing goals and should be well thought […]

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What Is Attitude And Why Is It Important For Your Success?

What Is Attitude And Why Is It Important For Your Success? It is indeed well said, “Your attitude is what actually defines you.” Attitude is a significant and decisive factor in determining our future, be it us achieving a certain level of success in terms of our career and the choices we make in terms […]

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Public Relations – Let’s say it how it is…
public relations

Let’s say it how it is… Brochures, broadcast plugs and press releases don’t call them public relations. Call them what they really are, valuable tactical devices which public relations calls upon from time to time, to move a message from here to there. Nothing more, nothing less, and certainly not public relations mother strategy which […]

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