Tiny Actions Make Huge Impacts
thank you two magic words

Tiny Actions Make Huge Impacts “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams Do you remember how you felt when you had a tough day and a stranger smiled at you? Or the time you helped your neighbour carry in her groceries […]

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Being Kind Doesn’t Get You Anywhere. Or Does It?

Being Kind Doesn’t Get You Anywhere. Or Does It? You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.” – Pubilius Syrus You may have heard the saying “nice guys finish last.” People often believe that being kind means you are weak and can be easily taken advantage of. But is this really true? We […]

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How to Automate Your CRM Marketing
time management

How to Automate Your CRM Marketing CRM marketing is a powerful tool that savvy marketers take advantage of. One real advantage is your ability to automate the process. Using the right tools, you can save yourself and staff a great deal of time. Rather than spending your time running campaigns that can be automated you […]

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What Is Attitude And Why Is It Important For Your Success?

What Is Attitude And Why Is It Important For Your Success? It is indeed well said, “Your attitude is what actually defines you.” Attitude is a significant and decisive factor in determining our future, be it us achieving a certain level of success in terms of our career and the choices we make in terms […]

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What Is Customer Service?

What Is Customer Service? In these days of competitive markets, the business that excels at customer service is the one that will not only maintain their position, but grow. You could answer the question “What is Customer service” by saying that it is about “exceeding” the expectations of the client, not just “satisfying” them. This […]

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