Offering Great Customer Service. Turning Customers into Raving Fans
happy customer

Offering Great Customer Service: Turning Customers into Raving Fans Providing exceptional customer service is crucial for any business aiming to thrive in today’s competitive market. More than just a nice-to-have, great customer service is a powerful differentiator that can turn satisfied customers into raving fans who not only return but also enthusiastically promote your business […]

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How to Attract Local Customers to Your Business and Keep Them Coming Back
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How to Attract Local Customers to Your Business and Keep Them Coming Back 1: Know Your Customers The first step to attracting local customers is to know who they are. Understand the people in your area and what they like. If there are a lot of families, think about offering family-friendly deals. If there are […]

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Attracting New Customers
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Attracting New Customers Attracting new customers and clients is an essential part of any business. Without a consistent flow of new customers, business owners are unable to thrive and grow their companies. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to attract new customers and clients. 1. Create an effective marketing strategy Creating an effective marketing […]

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Client Retention
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Client Retention Retaining customers and clients is essential to the success and growth of any business. Achieving this objective requires a thorough understanding of customer needs and preferences, along with a commitment to delivering a quality product or service. Additionally, businesses must take into account the costs associated with both retaining existing customers and clients […]

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What is Customer Service?
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What is Customer Service? In these days of competitive markets, the business that excels at customer service is the one that will not only maintain their position, but grow. You could answer the question “What is Customer service” by saying that it is about “exceeding” the expectations of the client, not just “satisfying” them. This […]

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Delivering Excellent Customer Service
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Delivering Excellent Customer Service It almost goes without saying that good customer service is essential to sustaining any business. No matter how wonderful a job you do of attracting new customers, you won’t be profitable for long unless you have a solid customer retention strategy in place – and in action. It’s the actions that […]

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Great Ideas for Your Corporate Gifts
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Great Ideas for Your Corporate Gifts “What’s your main purpose for sending a gift?” is probably the central question when deciding on what items to send away. Well, you must realise that the giving corporate gifts is not purely out of altruistic reasons. This act has tinges of marketing goals and should be well thought […]

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Tiny Actions Make Huge Impacts
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Tiny Actions Make Huge Impacts “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams Do you remember how you felt when you had a tough day and a stranger smiled at you? Or the time you helped your neighbour carry in her groceries […]

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You Don’t Own Me
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From our overseas guest blogger, Jason Leister, the Incomapable Expert You Don’t Own Me It can really make you angry when a client relationship starts to go sideways and you feel like they think they “own” you. When that happens, you can try to set the record straight, or maybe blow up the relationship, or […]

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