Preventing Unnecessary Absence at Work and Making People Happy
work absences

Preventing Unnecessary Absence at Work and Making People Happy Are you a manager irritated by absence at work? This article explains three steps you can take to reduce absence and make your life easier. If you’re an employer or a manager then absence at work is costing you money, inconvenience, and upsetting your customers. And […]

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The Impact of Using Colour in Advertising
colours in advertising

The Impact of Using Colour in Advertising The human brain receives signals faster through the eyes rather than ears. Visual appearance is supposed to be more appealing when compared to any other senses, no matter what the medium of presentation is. So, there are methods by which one can increase the visual appeal. Other senses […]

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What is Customer Service?
customer service

What is Customer Service? In these days of competitive markets, the business that excels at customer service is the one that will not only maintain their position, but grow. You could answer the question “What is Customer service” by saying that it is about “exceeding” the expectations of the client, not just “satisfying” them. This […]

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