Web Design Imagineers.
Web Design Imagineers was founded in 2013 by Graham McLusky.
With a strong background in design, having worked in the theatre industry for nearly 50 years as Lighting Designer, Graham has built up a web design business with portfolio of website clients. He has gradually added to his services to help his clients in their quest for perfection. Graham added "Mobile First" Websites & "Mobile Apps" to help reach a new and very active market sector.
"I don’t just make web sites…"
In the beginning.
It all started pretty much as soon as the internet became public knowledge. A fascination for all things online developed and Graham built his first web site. What a disaster that was! Looking back, it was terrible! Those were the days when people all wanted everything animated, flashing, flickering and really "in your face". Still, one needs to start somewhere! Over the years things have improved a long way... and today you will find that keeping things simple at web design imagineers, really counts!
The clients who came on board in those early days were keen to find out what the WWW could do for them and Graham worked together with them to create something individual and exciting. The business went under a different name then and has evolved steadily into what it is today...
Products & services.
Over the time Graham has been developing his business, he has added new products & services... and deleted some in the process too!
Now there are three core services: Mobile Apps - Web Site Design & Development - Ebooks
Alongside these key services Graham has added Promotional Business Videos & 360 degree Video Tours
Mobile Apps.
PWA (Progressive Web Apps):
Web Design Imagineers provides an exciting and highly effective mobile app development service for businesses to promote their services, create brand awareness and engage with visitors, to help develop more clients, retain the ones they have and make doing business a lot easier & more profitable.
Website Design.
"Mobile First" Web Sites:
Graham provides businesses with fully functional web sites from a single page to multi-page site. "Mobile First" is now the norm, as the major search engines like Google have said that as around 80% of internet users access the internet via a mobile device, the site has to work primarily for mobile and then on larger screens like desktops & laptops. They basically favour the mobile site an return better search results!
Landing Pages:
If you are looking to run some marketing campaigns, a Landing Page may be all you need to gather leads and new clients. Simple, eyecatching and effective with an email contact form... branded to your business.
Mobile Web Sites:
There are many businesses which still don't have mobile friendly web sites. Various reasons prevent them from changing this. Graham offers "Retro Fit" mobile sites which, if kept simple, will do the trick and keep you in favour with the search engines.
Promotional 360 Degree Video Tours:.
Have you seen those clever 360 Degree views you get on Google Street View? Graham can produce 360 Degree Views of any interior and exterior setting, ideal for presenting Real Estate, Golf Courses, Hotel Complexes, Showrooms etc. That with some clever extras it makes your business & products very saleable!
Web Design Imagineers provides two large libraries of business ebooks to download online. WDI Books & Training provides a wide range of publications for Business & Life, Self Help & Motivational.
Also a FREE ebook store where everything is totally free to download. You will have access to a range of books published by Web Design Imagineers and also a massive library of trade publications, white papers, instructional books & documents.