Weight Loss Articles

The Truth About Free Weight Loss Programs

The Internet provides many different offers claiming to be free weight loss programs but they're not always as free as they claim to be. Many times, they are free trials used as a teaser to get you hooked on the idea of their program. You should know what you're looking for when seeking free help, so they don’t end up being just temporary free help.

The biggest tip to a program not being free is when your credit card information is required, even though they claim you won't be charged for using the site. Oftentimes another site will be linked on the original site and somewhere in the fine print there will be a disclaimer informing you that if you click the link you are agreeing to the terms and fees of the site. Since they have your credit card on file, you'll start to notice an unexplainable and recurring charge until you have it taken care of with either your bank or directly with the sneaky website.

Some sites have weight loss services that are free, and then once you have signed up you'll see an offer for complete access to their site for some amount of money. The free part of the site will usually include a list and explanation of exercises as well as some recipes for low fat and low calorie foods. The complete site will lure you in with personal care from a representative who will be able to email or even call you with emotional support. They may even offer personalized meal plans for you and exercise plans that will maximize the effectiveness of your workout.

“Free trial” posted somewhere on the website of a free weight loss program is the most obvious way to tell that it will only be free for a trial period. Credit card information will most likely be asked for before you can begin the free trial, but charges won't come until after the trial period is up. Sometimes, these sites will also offer a money back guarantee if you're not satisfied with the program. Ironically, it's usually a 30 day money back guarantee which isn't always enough to show weight loss results as you could easily lose or gain weight due to other factors in your life during that month!

There are programs available that actually are looking to make the world a better, healthier place and are not looking to take your money. These sites generally don't have a person who will talk to you one on one but they do have communities of people just like you trying to lose weight.

Forums are a great way to communicate on these sites and see how other people are doing on the program. Sometimes the sites will have the options to let you customize your own meal plans based off of meals they had already put together. Emails full of healthy tips are also sent from the free weight loss programs, so when you find the one you want be ready for a healthier lifestyle.



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